access control
An access control system can restrict and/or monitor who goes where and when, and enhances your existing security system by allowing you to know who is in your building at any particular time. The system will enhance the security of your employees, building and assets.
Standalone access control is usually one or two small units wired directly onto a door panel to control access to the door. There is no need for a PC network and you don’t have to secure every single door within your building, only those you wish to. User tokens can be added to the system in seconds by presenting an enrolment card to the door. The administration is straightforward and can be done in a matter of minutes.
Staff and visitors are issued with electronic tokens instead of keys. If someone loses their token, it can be simply barred from the system by presenting a shadow card to a reader. This ensures that if the token was found, it could not be used to gain entry and compromise the security of your building.
PC Based Network Systems Net2 is designed with simplicity in mind and is easily scalable depending on your current or future needs. Our systems have been developed so that you can add one door at a time using a wired or wireless controller or door entry for versatile security and building management.We design our products to be easy to install and make the management of any building very simple. The software is intuitive and comes with a range of features that move beyond the basics of locking or unlocking a door.